February 21, 2024 | Miles Brucker

Deranged Facts About History's Most Terrifying Queens

Every little girl dreams of becoming a princess, but for these deranged queens, royal life was more like a nightmare than a dream come true. From ruthless betrayals to chilling acts of revenge, queens like Bloody Mary, Joanna the Mad, and Olga of Kiev took "deranged queen" to the next level. Danaerys Targaryen has nothing on these bloodthirsty rulers.

Maria the Mad

Queen Maria I of Portugal was known by two different titles: Maria the Pious, and Maria the Mad. Her reign started out pretty smoothly, and the people considered her to be a good ruler—that is, until she became delirious 10 years into her reign in 1786. As we'll see, Maria suffered a number of devastating losses that year. It's no wonder that she was nearly driven insane.

History's Most Deranged Queens

1. I’m Damned!

When Maria became delirious, she started ranting and raving, screaming and crying, and was positive that she was damned. As part of an attempt to cure her of her madness, she was unwillingly subjected to treatments such as bloodletting and enemas. Yeah, like that will stop the shrieking.

Queen Maria I of Portugal FactsWikipedia


2. The Not So Good Doctor

Dr. Francis Willis, the physician of King George III—yes, another mad monarch—was called in to examine Maria, and not surprisingly, he declared her insane. If you thought bloodletting and enemas were nasty, this guy’s treatments made them look like nothing more than taking an Aspirin. He tried straight jacketing, blistering, and ice baths, none of which were terribly pleasant or helpful.

Queen Maria I of Portugal FactsWikipedia

3. Co-Ruler

Is a royal family a real royal family if they don't feature a bunch of in-breeding? Unluckily for Maria, her family seemed to think so. Her husband Pedro was also her uncle...and he was 17 years older than his niece-bride. That sounds like a pretty bad deal, but at the very least, he wasn't interested in government business. He devoted all of his time to hunting and religion, leaving Maria I free to rule.

Queen Maria I of Portugal FactsWikimedia Commons

4. Successive Blows

1788 was a pretty bad year for Maria. Within the space of a few months, her elder son lost his life of smallpox and, followed by her daughter Mariana, her husband, and her newborn son. As if that weren’t enough, Inacio de Sao Caetano—her confessor and closest confidant of more than 30 years—perished of  a stroke, plunging the Queen into grief.

Maria I De PortugalGaspar Fróis Machado,  Wikimedia Commons


5. Heavy Conscience

As if the successive deaths of her family members and confessor weren’t enough to drive a person over the edge, Maria also suffered from a condition known as religious mania. She was certain that her father’s soul was eternally damned and suffered from frightening visions of his blackened body being tormented in inferno. This heavy burden sat on her conscience for over 30 years.

Queen Christina FactsShutterstock

6. All Her Fault

The passing of the Queen’s elder son to smallpox was something that she entirely blamed herself for. She could have had him inoculated against the disease when he was young, but she refused on religious grounds, believing that it was against the will of God.

Queen Maria I of Portugal FactsGetty Images

7. Fire and Brimstone

When the medical treatments failed to cure Maria of her mental illness, the Bishop of Algarve was appointed her new confessor. Ultimately, his preaching about hellfire and damnation only ended up making Maria feel worse. His intensity pushed her the rest of the way off the ledge.

Queen Maria I of Portugal FactsShutterstock


8. Mad Woman in the Palace

It would have been a lot easier on everybody had Maria just been able to be locked away somewhere, but she wasn’t. When the court was forced to move to Quelez after the palace burnt down in 1794 (which also probably didn’t help matters with Maria’s sanity), visitors would complain that they heard horrifying screams throughout the palace. 

Queen Maria I of Portugal FactsGetty Images

9. Taking the Reigns

By 1792, Maria was completely insane and not in any shape to continue ruling. Her son John reluctantly took over running the government but delayed officially accepting a formal regency. He finally took the throne in 1799 for a truly tragic reason: there was no longer any possibility that his mother would ever recover her senses.

Queen Maria I of Portugal FactsWikimedia Commons

Olga of Kiev, The Vengeful Viking Princess

Her name may not pop up in lists of fierce woman in history, but just because her story is obscure doesn’t mean it isn’t fascinating. After her husband lost his life, Olga of Kiev went out for vengeance and became an unstoppable machine. One thing is for certain: this Viking princess definitely earned her terrifying reputation as one of the most bloodthirsty queens in history.

Olga Of Kiev FactsWikipedia


1. Birch Please

The brutal liquidating of Olga's husband Igor kick-starts her transformation from sweet princess to vicious queen. When the enemy Drevlians saw Igor approach, they decided to stop the Russian King in his tracks and liquidate him in cold blood. The Drevlians didn’t just behead Igor. They tied the King’s legs and feet to bent birch trees, then released the pressure from the trunks. As the trees sprang back into their usual stance, the force tore Igor in half. Ouch.

Olga Of Kiev FactsWikipedia

2. Mom’s Got This

When Olga heard about her husband’s violent passing, her profound sense of grief transformed into bloody vengeance. She sprung into action, taking over the kingdom in place of the heir Svyatoslav, who was just three years old. Her reign was off to an utterly terrifying start: Soon after she heard of her husband's heinous demise, 20 smug Drevlians rode into town with a chilling offer: Now that Olga was single, wouldn't she like to marry Prince Mal, the same man who ended her beloved husband?

Olga Of Kiev FactsWikimedia Commons

3. Plot Twist

The day after the Drevlians asked Olga to marry her husband’s killer, they returned to court to receive their honors. As Olga had promised, her people began to carry the Drevlians back to their boat as a show of respect. Or at least it seemed like a show of respect until Olga’s forces threw the Drevlians into a trench.

Olga Of Kiev FactsThe Legend of Princess Olga (1984), Dovzhenko Film Studios


4. Paging Quentin Tarantino

It turned out that the night after Olga heard the Drevlians’ twisted offer, she ordered the people of Kiev to secretly dig an enormous grave for her “honored” guests. As her forces threw the 20 Drevlians into the pit, Olga leaned down and watched her vengeance unfurl. She ordered her people to bury the Drevlians alive.

Olga Of Kiev FactsThe Legend of Princess Olga (1984), Dovzhenko Film Studios

5. Ice Cold

Legend has it that Olga didn’t just watch the Drevlians’ brutal execution in the pit, she also taunted her husband’s killers. As the dirt rained down on the terrified enemy service men, she coolly asked “whether they found the honor to their taste".

Olga Of Kiev FactsThe Legend of Princess Olga (1984), Dovzhenko Film Studios

6. Hot Tub

With this batch of the Drevlians dispatched, Olga moved right along, determined to wipe out everyone involved in her husband’s demise. She sent a letter to the tribesman who remained at home, urging them to send more men to Kiev to prove that they were serious about the whole marriage thing. Thinking Olga was going to be their new Queen, the Drevlians were happy to oblige.

Olga repaid the favor by locking the new arrivals in a bathhouse and setting it on fire.

Olga Of Kiev FactsWikipedia


7. A Royal Rager

Olga was not one to do things by halves. After massacring two separate groups of Drevlians, she sent yet another letter to the tribe, but this time her plans were a little different. Olga told the tribe to make as much mead as they could—Queen Olga was going to pay them a visit and she wanted to send off her gone husband in style. When she arrived, she got the Drevlians inebriated and then ordered her men to liquidate them all.

Olga Of Kiev FactsThe Legend of Princess Olga (1984)

8. The Cogs Turn

In 964, Olga took her fight to Iskorosten, the city where her husband had been so brutally eliminated—only for her luck to run out. Olga’s forces battled the Drevlians for a long, hard year without victory. Even in the face of defeat, Olga refused to back down. She did what she did best: Olga came up with a brilliant plan.

Olga Of Kiev FactsWikimedia Commons

9. Put a Bird on it

Olga sent a peace offering to the Drevlians, claiming that she’d had enough carnage to satisfy her thirst for revenge. But before making it official, she asked for a small favor as a sign of goodwill from the Drevlians. Olga requested three pigeons and three sparrows from each of the city’s houses, even drawing attention to how her tiny request symbolized her merciful nature. Sure, Jan.

Olga Of Kiev FactsPixabay


10. Burn Baby Burn

Olga was like the MacGyver of misery. You could give her a toothpick and a rabbit and she’d somehow invent the plot of Saw 14—so you can only imagine what she did with the birds. Olga’s army attached pieces of sulfur to the birds and then lit the rocks on fire. When the birds flew to their nests, the lighting sulfur set hundreds of buildings and trees ablaze. In the end, the entire city burned to the ground. And with that, Olga's vicious revenge was finally complete.

Olga Of Kiev FactsWikipedia

Maria Eleonora, The Mad Queen Mother

Not every princess has a fairy tale life. Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg was one of the wealthiest, most eligible, and most beautiful women in Europe when she married King Gustav Adolphus of Sweden—but it was far from happily ever after. From her violent mental deterioration to her private heartbreaks, Maria Eleonora became known forever after as the mad queen mother.

Maria Eleonora FactsWikipedia

1. Motherhood Changed You

According to historical sources, just a year after Maria Eleonora’s marriage to King Gustav Adolphus in Stockholm, everything changed for the worse. She suffered a miscarriage, and suddenly her jovial demeanor turned jealous, tempestuous, and even at times manic.

Mad Kings and Queens FactsWikimedia Commons


2. A Hairy Situation

The birth of Maria’s only surviving child did not go as she planned. When the baby was born, everyone could tell that something was not quite right. It came out covered in dark, downy fleece from its head to its arms. Only its face, arms, and lower legs were bare of the fur. According to the reports, the baby’s nose was also very large—all characteristics that led people to assume it was a boy. It wasn’t. Maria Eleonora had given birth to a very hairy baby girl.

Maria Eleonora FactsShutterstock

3. It’s a Ghoul!

If King Gustav was slightly disappointed in the intercourse of his child, Queen Maria Eleonora was torn to pieces. The palace staff even kept the truth from her for several days—but when she found out, it was worse than anyone could have imagined. She reportedly screamed, "Instead of a son, I am given a daughter, dark and ugly, with a great nose and black eyes. Take her from me, I will not have such a monster!"

Stevie Nicks FactsShutterstock

4. Taking It on the Chin

Maria Eleonora was so crestfallen at her “monstrous” daughter, she may have gone to horrible lengths to punish her. Disturbingly, Princess Christina was alarmingly “accident-prone” as a baby. One time, she somehow tumbled down a full flight of stairs. In another instance, a beam fell into her cradle, and she was even once dropped on a stone floor, which permanently deformed her shoulder.

Charles II of Spain factsShutterstock


5. Paint It Black

When Maria Eleonora’s husband passed, her mourning pushed her already fragile mental state to the breaking point. Wracked with grief, the queen mother had to make sure everyone else was miserable too—especially her hated daughter Christina. For a full year, Maria Eleonora tormented her with a brutal punishment. She forced Christina into blacked-out, darkened rooms to mourn her father in solitude for unforgivably long periods of time.

Maria Eleanor FactsWikimedia Commons

6. A Macabre Memento

Everyone mourns in their own way, but Maria Eleonora’s way of mourning King Gustav was hella freaky. Not only did she force the young Christina into darkened rooms, but she also reportedly hung King Gustav’s heart in a golden casket on the ceiling above Christina’s bed. She made the girl sleep directly underneath her father’s “blessed” remains.

Take note: That’s not one way to raise a well-adjusted child.

Secrets Not Supposed to Know factsRawpixel

7. Cry Me a River

The queen did not respond well to her husband’s demise. She reportedly wept almost continuously for actual years after hearing the news. She also reportedly refused to allow his body to be buried, and would regularly visit it. After 18 months, the Swedish Chancellor stepped in and had him buried. 

Human Attraction quizShutterstock


8. Damage Control

In 1636, Maria Eleonora was so out of her mind, the government separated her from Christina and “placed” (by which I mean, politely imprisoned) her in Gripsholm castle, hoping she couldn’t do anyone any harm there. After a few escape attempts and the devastating news that her detested daughter Christina had given up the crown, Maria Eleonora lost her life, heartbroken, at 55 years old.

Maria Eleanor FactsPixabay

Empress Wu Zetian, China's Vicious Ruler

Empress Wu Zetian was China’s sole female ruler, but her rise would fit in perfectly on Game of Thrones. She started as a concubine of Emperor Gaozong, and eventually gave birth to his child. When the baby gone soon after, Wu blamed its passing on the reigning empress consort, Empress Wang. But that may not be the full story: disturbingly, some historians believe that Wu strangled the child herself.

Wu Zetian, The Only Empress of China Factsknyan

1. Vicious Cycle

Wu has become infamous in the (male) annals of history as a cunning, ruthless woman, especially after she shoved aside her children and declared herself Empress in 690, founding her short-lived "Zhou Dynasty". One source described her as hated by “gods and men alike," which really sums up how much people despised her.

Wu Zetian, The Only Empress of China Factshollywood reporter


2. Guess Again

Over the years, Wu became a concubine of Emperor Taizong, which sounds like a high-profile gig...until you remember that it came with some pretty intense conditions. Custom decreed that Wu should retire to a Buddhist nunnery upon the Emperor's passing . However, when that day came, Wu refused to give up her power so easily.

Wu Zetian, The Only Empress of China Factsmubi

3. Snatch That Rising Son

Wu Zetian had other plans that went far beyond hiding out in a convent for the rest of her days. Instead, she stayed at court by attaching herself—politically and romantically—to the newly crowned Emperor Gaozong, aka her own pseudo-stepson!  The unlikely couple went on to have multiple children, and Wu even claimed the throne of China for herself after Gaozong’s passing.

Matriarchs factsBao Moi

4. Equality

Emperors were known for having numerous concubines, some of whom performed intimate duties. However, Empress Wu, not to be outdone by the boys, also had her own concubines. The Zhang Brothers were her favorites, and were known to spend a lot of time with Wu in “closed quarters" well into her old age.

Wu Zetian, The Only Empress of China Factsdeviant art


5. Tough Customer

While bad press and prejudiced comments followed Wu's reign from the get go, the most terrifying stories about the Empress are actually true. Wu was reportedly behind the deaths of 36 senior bureaucrats who were either executed or forced to take their own life. Additionally, hundreds of members of the bureaucrats’ families were enslaved. Yeah, we don't like bureaucrats too, but was that really necessary, Zetian?

Wu Zetian, The Only Empress of China Factsent.163

6. Initiative

Wu always found ways to stand out as one of Emperor Taizong’s concubines. One of her most notable strategies was offering to tame one of his horses. Her tools? An iron whip, a hammer, and a cutter. As she said, “First I’ll beat it with the iron whip. If it does not yield, I’ll hit it with the hammer. If it still won’t be tamed, I’ll cut its throat with the cutter".

Wu Zetian FactsThe Empress of China, Dimsum Entertainment

Empress Anna of Russia, The Ultimate Deranged Queen

Even as a little girl, the bloodthirsty Empress Anna of Russia was an avid hunter. She reportedly kept a piece by her window just so she could pick it up and blast away at the birds on her lawn. On other days, she got servants to unleash wild animals in the royal park so she could hunt them down. And that's just the beginning of this deranged queen's violent streak. 

Anna of Russia factsWikimedia Commons


1. A Game of Chicken

In order to discipline her most hated courtier, Prince Mikhail Golitsyn, Anna forced him to become the court jester. But not just any court jester. Get this: Poor Prince Mikhail had to pretend to be a chicken for the Empress’ pleasure. She had him sit in a nest within her reception room, and whenever anyone came to visit, he had to pretend to lay eggs.

Anna of Russia factsPicryl

2. The Prince and the Pauper

For some reason, Anna had something major against Prince Mikhail Golitsyn, and she once let him know it in an absolutely brutal way. Like, worse than the chicken thing. One day, she forced him to marry her attendant Avdotya Buzheninova, mostly because she was a lower-class, older maid, and reportedly not a looker. Oh, but that was just the beginning of the nightmare.

Anna of Russia factsWikimedia Commons

3. Gee, Thanks

Anna gave the Prince and his new bride a lavish wedding—but it came with a cruel twist. Our girl Anna constructed an entire ice palace for their wedding night, complete with ice beds, chairs, and an ice fireplace. Cool, huh? Except then she forced them to sleep there. On an extremely cold night. In the middle of winter. In Russia.

Just before shutting the Prince and the maid in to face their fates, Anna reportedly advised them to get doing the dirty if they wanted to keep warm enough to stay alive.

Anna of Russia facts Wikipedia


4. It’s a Circus Out There

On the way to their pleasant little ice palace, Anna also forced Prince Mikhail and Avdotya to sit in a cage, dressed as clowns, on top of an elephant. She then paraded them through the streets of St. Petersburg so crowds could laugh and jeer at the couple. Forget passive-aggressive, this is just straight-up psychotic. Oh, and what was Mikhail's reward after all Anna's ice-cold shenanigans? His new bride Avdotya lost her life pneumonia a few days after their wedding night.

Anna of Russia factsNeedpix

Joanna of Castile, The Betrayed Queen

Queen Joanna of Castile didn’t become known as “Juana La Loca” for her sound and righteous rule. Yet to what extent was this “mad” Spanish queen simply a victim of bad luck and greed? As a vulnerable female heir to a rich country, Queen Joanna was surrounded by male relatives who had much to gain from her loss of power.

Joanna Of Castile facts Wikimedia Commons

1. Faith Shouldn’t Hurt

I imagine it’s hard to catch a break when your mom literally engineered the Spanish Inquisition. According to some sources, Queen Isabella was deeply enraged by Princess Joanna’s insufficient piety. It’s been suggested Isabella “corrected” her daughter’s religious disposition with literal brutality methods such as “La cuerda,” where Joanna was hung in the air by ropes and weighted down by her feet.

We can’t imagine that felt great—either for Joanna’s body or her mental health.

Joanna Of Castile facts Wikimedia Commons


2. Match Made in Heaven or Inferno?

When she was just 17 years old, Joanna was formally engaged to Philip of Flanders (future Duke Philip I of Burgundy), who was the son of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximillian I. Most noblewomen had very little say in their husbands—but luckily for Joanna, her fiancé was only a year older than her and already known as “Philip the Fair” for his hot looks.

Joanna of Castile FactsMad Love (2001), Sony Pictures Classics

3. Not Enough Room in This Bed for All of Us

Joanna’s marriage to Philip was one of mutual but lopsided passion. Joanna worshipped him; Philip found Joanna beautiful and charming, but not worth staying faithful to. Her Burgundian beau quickly began to see other ladies on the side. His infidelities often sent Joanna into jealous rages and depressive tailspins—and as we'll see, they were the least of his betrayals.

Joanna Of Castile facts Wikipedia

4. Swipe Left at the Boiling Cauldron

Joanna of Castile was ready to fight for her man—at any cost. According to some legends, she even indulged in “love potions” and other supernatural snake oils to keep her husband’s interests. Philip, a classic Renaissance man, was not turned on by witchcraft, and simply continued having his many extramarital affairs.

Joanna of Castile FactsMad Love (2001), Sony Pictures Classics


5. Going out for a Pack of Smokes…

Some men can’t handle their wives making more: the pressure of being Castile’s heir and future Queen put a strain on Joanna’s marriage to Philip of Burgundy. He had moved his court to be with Joanna in Castile as the country’s heirs, but their arguments intensified until he eventually left Joanna pregnant and alone in Madrid.

Joanna of Castile FactsMad Love (2001), Sony Pictures Classics

6. Time to Unwind

As you might expect, Joanna did not take Philip's abandonment very well at all. In a dark omen of things to come, she fell mentally and physically apart when he left: The heiress indulged in the rather unroyal conduct of crying herself to sleep every night, refusing lavish meals, and flinging her royal body against the walls.

Joanna of Castile FactsMad Love (2001), Sony Pictures Classics

7. I Hope This Doesn’t Become a Habit…

Joanna frantically wished to follow her husband, who had retreated to his home in Flanders. Unfortunately, her mother Queen Isabella strictly forbade it, and had Joanna sequestered to her rooms in the Castle La Mota at Medina del Campo. It was there she continued her mental breakdown—and things took an even darker turn. She began pacing all day, babbling in tongues, and still denied herself food and sleep.

Of course, there's another, darker side to her madness that we'll get to later...

Joanna Of Castile factsWikipedia


8. Too Much off the Top

During Joanna's period of abandonment with Philip, her mother eventually allowed her to follow him back to Flanders. She arrived home to the worst possible sight: Philip had taken an in-house mistress. Not one to be usurped without a fight, Joanna allegedly started hacking off her rival’s hair with scissors. When this act of mistreatment failed to heal Joanna’s heart, she simply spiked the woman in the face.

Joanna of Castile FactsMad Love (2001), Sony Pictures Classics

9. Here Lies One Perished Bro

The pivotal tragedy of Joanna’s life occurred in 1506: her beloved Philip perished suddenly at the tragically young (but still beautiful) age of 28. The cause of his untimely demise was ostensibly typhoid fever…but it was believed by many—including a very paranoid Queen Joanna, reportedly—to be the result of poison.

Royal Possessions FactsWikimedia Commons

10. A Matter of New Life and End

When her beloved (and traitorous) husband Philip passed, Queen Joanna didn't just grieve in the normal way; in fact, it sent her into her worst emotional tailspin yet. For a considerable period, she refused to leave her husband’s already-embalmed body. During this time, she was pregnant with their final child, Catherine.

Joanna Of Castile factsWikimedia Commons


11. Eternally Hers

Joanna’s jealousy over Philip’s love also continued after his passing. While “accompanied” by her late husband’s casket, it’s rumored that Joanna would only travel at night. After all, she didn’t want other women tempting Philip of Burgundy’s body during those sexy daytime hours. Her entourage avoided nunneries for this reason—you can never be too careful, even around holy sisters.

Mad Kings and Queens factsWikipedia

12. You’ll Always Be With Me

For the most part, Joanna had the sense to keep her husband’s casket closed. It was simply transported to be with her at meals and her bedside. She only occasionally opened it to gaze upon her beloved’s pretty (and rapidly decomposing) face. Only years later was Philip finally laid to rest again. Of course, this was apparently right outside of Joanna’s window, where his notorious eye could wander no more.

Joanna Of Castile factsGetty Images

13. No One Likes a Chatterbox

In her final years, a paranoid Joanna even accused a group of nuns of trying to end her. As the queen’s mental and physical state continued to deteriorate to levels still unknown and unmeasured today, her son King Charles simply told her keepers to limit his mother’s conversations with other people, “for no good could come from it".

Joanna Of Castile factsShutterstock


14. I’m Big Enough to Say, “She’s Crazy”

Joanna's insanity, however, has an even darker and more personal side: Recent scholarship has suggested Joanna’s own beloved husband and father spread the rumors of Joanna's “insanity". While Joanna’s real behavior hardly helped, the ambitious men had incentive to make people think Joanna was an incapable ruler. Both wanted to usurp her authority.

Joanna Of Castile factsWikimedia Commons

Olympias: Queen, Mother, Baller

Although most people remember her as the queen of Philip II of Macedon or the mother of Alexander the Great, Olympias' bloodthirsty reign is more than enough to land her in the annals of history all on her own. From fighting for her son to doing anything to wrest power away from her rivals, Olympias took beauty and bloodshed to the next level.

Queen Olympias factsAlexander (2004), Warner Bros.

1. The Family Black Sheep

Olympias would do anything to support her son Alexander's quest for power, and given his reputation, it's clear that she succeeded. In fact, most people don't even realize that Alexander wasn't actually his father's eldest son. Alexander's competition was Arrhidaeus, who was Philip II's son with another one of the Macedonian king's many wives. So why didn't Arrhidaeus claim the throne? The dark answer has everything to do with Olympias...

Queen Olympias factsAlexander (2004),  Warner Bros.


2. He Doesn’t Like Her, Does He?

One reason why Arrhidaeus wasn’t considered the heir to Philip II was that, depending on which historian you read, he either had a learning disability, or he was completely mentally deficient. According to the historian Plutarch, this disability was due to a liquidation attempt by Olympias, who was jealous of the boy and wanted her son to be the heir.

Queen Olympias factsAlexander (2004),  Warner Bros.

3. Mom, Dad, Stop Fighting Please

Philip II and Olympias had an apocalyptically bad relationship as the years went on. Philip II was known for his parties, affairs, and hot-blooded disposition, while Olympias had a reputation for being very jealous and ambitious. In other words, it was a marriage made in inferno. These tensions would hit fever pitch on the dark day of King Philip's liquidation.

Queen Olympias facts

4. Murderess?

One of the most consistent stories surrounding Olympias’ legacy is that she was somehow behind the liquidation of her husband, Philip II. But that's not even the most chilling part: Rumors swirled that Olympias honored the body of Philip II’s killer, even after her own son ordered the body to be crucified as a symbolic punishment. Yikes.

Queen Olympias factsAlexander (2004), Warner Bros.


5. Cold-Blooded

After Philip passed and before Alexander the Great rose to power, Olympias had to do a lot of work to see her son on the throne. For one, Philip's seventh wife Eurydice and her children still posed a big menace to Alexander's supremacy. Willing to go any lengths for her beloved Alexander, Olympias plotted a brutal revenge. She had Eurydice's children liquidated , and the horrific act then caused Eurydice to take her own life.

An alternate version of the events claims that Olympias ordered both the queen and her children ended—but is that much better?

Queen Olympias factsAlexander (2004), Warner Bros.

6. Hands Off, Peasants

After a series of battles and conflicts, Olympias finally surrendered to her old enemy, the "Kingslayer" Cassander. But when Cassander ordered his men to liquidate her, he was in for the surprise of his life. Such was the prestige of the queen and her son Alexander’s memory that the Macedonian men refused to lay a hand on her. Undaunted, Cassander came up with an utterly heinous idea. 

Queen Olympias factsAlexander (2004),  Warner Bros.

7. These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends

Cassander decided that if the Macedonian service men wouldn't take Olympias out, he'd finally someone who would. He turned to the families of all those people that Olympias had ended over the years and told them that they could finally take a shot at the woman who ruined their lives. Only too happy to take revenge, they took the aging queen and publicly stoned her to demise.

To add insult to brutal injury, Cassander denied Olympias’ body a proper burial. Olympias was 59 at the time of her passing.

Queen Olympias factsAlexander (2004),  Warner Bros.


Catherine de Medici, The Deadly Queen Mother

Catherine de Medici has gone down in history as a brutal Machiavellian matriarch whose ambition eclipsed her children’s happinesss. Scandal followed Catherine throughout her tumultuous life from her untimely birth to her reign as a fertility-challenged princess of France and her tenure as a bloodthirsty mother thrust into religious conflict. 

Catherine de Medici factspinterest

1. Room with a View

It’s said that Catherine went to disturbing lengths to keep an eye on her husband's illicit activities. She may have bored peep holes into the roof of his mistress Diane de Poitiers’s bedchamber so that she could see her husband “in action". Catherine apparently noted the contrast between the disinterested performance she got from Henri versus the “spectacle” he gave Diane…

Catherine De Medici factsReign (2013–2017), CBS Television Studios

2. Mommy Liquidation

The Bartholomew’s Day liquidation is one of history's bloodiest days...and many people lay the blame firmly at Catherine's noble feet. After some Protestants attempted to liquidate an important admiral, the story goes that Catherine licensed the liquidation as revenge. The liquidation snowballed for a long, blood-soaked week, claiming the lives of innocent bystanders before it spread into the French countryside and persisted, purge-like, well into the autumn. 

Catherine de Medici factscontinuing counter reformation


3. Corporal Punishment at the French Court

When Catherine’s youngest daughter Marguerite, was found to be having an affair with Henry of Guise, Catherine and her son Charles IX went to chilling lengths to show their disapproval. They allegedly had the princess pulled from her bed, her nightclothes ripped, and her hair torn from her head as punishment. Yowch. 

Catherine de Medici factsthe famous people

4. The Worst Third Wheel

Catherine's life featured way too much trauma, but nothing compares to this. On October 2 1533, she married the french Dauphin Henri. The couple were lucky to be the same age—just 14 years old—but old men still wormed their way into the honeymoon. Henri’s father, King Francis I, apparently stayed in the bedroom until the marriage was fully consummated. Yick.

Catherine de Medici factsmagnolia box

Bloody Mary and her Tithe of Troubles

Although she only reigned for five short years, King Henry VIII's first-born daughter Mary was a busy Queen. As she attempted to reverse the Protestant reforms of her father, Mary had over 280 dissenters of the Catholic Church burned at the stake. Her brutal actions earned her a terrifying nickname. To this day, she's known as "Bloody Mary".

Real GhostsWikipedia


1. Devoted Husband

In the summer of 1554, the English court was bracing for news of Mary’s first child. Mary started to show signs of a pregnancy months earlier, and everyone was taking precautions for the next heir to the throne. Her husband King Philip was possibly even planning to marry Mary’s half-sister Elizabeth in the event that his wife passed (he was a stand-up guy). There was just one problem...

Bloody Mary FactsDeskgram

2. False Alarm

Mary wasn’t actually pregnant at all. Perhaps for psychological reasons, she had a rare case of false pregnancy. Tragically, it would not even be her last. During one these episodes, Mary was so convinced that she was with child that she had letters drafted announcing the birth of her heir. They would never be needed.

Edward VI factsThe Tudors (2007–2010), Showtime Networks

3. Out of the Will

When Mary's brother Edward passed, she should have ascended to the throne. But thanks to Duke John Dudley, everything went wrong. On Edward's deathbed, Dudley convinced the King that his daughter-in-law Lady Jane Grey would be a better Queen than Mary. He sealed the deal by reminding Edward that Jane would keep the country Protestant while Mary would try to bring back Catholicism. Dudley wasn't wrong...but he was still making a deadly mistake.

Bloody Mary FactsSmithsonian Magazine


4. Tough Decisions

Dudley's plot didn't work out, as Lady Jane was infamously Queen for only nine days. After Mary took the throne in 1553, she had John Dudley immediately executed for high treason, but faced a tough decision when it came to Lady Jane and her husband, Guildford Dudley. Mary knew that Jane was just a political pawn, so even though she was guilty of treason, Mary didn't want to execute her.

However, just as everything seemed to be settling, tensions arose and Mary was forced to destroy Jane.  She did so in grim fashion: public beheading.

Bloody Mary FactsWikipedia

5. Vengeance for My Mother

Mary didn't exactly shy away from executions, but one passing sentence was more personal than all the rest. Mary was directly involved with the arrest and execution of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer. If that name sounds familiar, it's because Cranmer was the one who declared the marriage between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon (Mary's mother) invalid. Mary clearly never let that go. Even though Cranmer recanted his Protestant beliefs, she executed him anyway.

Bloody Mary Factsatpaperjfrl.automator.me

6. Demise Comes for the Queen

Mary passed , childless, in 1558 during an influenza epidemic. However, the reasons for Bloody Queen Mary’s passing are not totally clear, even to this day. Some accounts suggest that she succumbed to the influenza outbreak, while others imply that she passed of cancer. All her false pregnancies may have actually been the result of a tumor.

Bloody Mary Facts


Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII's Chilling First Bride

Catherine of Aragon was Henry VIII’s first wife and his longest-lasting Queen Consort of England. One might remember her as the dark, pious lady whom Henry “divorces” so that he can marry Anne Boleyn. But there's so much more to Catherine than her status as the ultimate spurned woman in history. She was also a fierce warrior, a disturbed young woman, and an eternally doomed mother.

Arthur, Prince of Wales factsThe Spanish Princess (2019– 2020), All3 Media

1. Watch the Queen Conquer

In 1513, a heavily pregnant Catherine rode in full armor to address men at the Battle of Flodden. Henry was away at a foreign conflict , leaving Catherine as regent. The Scottish army, led by Henry’s brother-in-law King James IV, took advantage of his absence and tried to attack the kingless nation. They didn't know it yet, but that was one heck of a bad call.

Catherine of Aragon factsstoryfiles.blogspot

2. My Bloody Bro-in-Law Valentine

Catherine utterly destroyed the Scots, but her victory wasn't complete without a brutal send off. She took a bloody piece of James’s coat for Henry to use as a conflict banner. She had wanted to send her hubby his brother-in-law’s body itself, but that was too much for those weak-bellied Englishmen—her words. Remember, this bloodshed was during her and Henry's happy days!

Arthur, Prince of Wales factsThe Spanish Princess (2019– 2020), All3 Media


3. Phantom Fetus

Catherine had an absolutely brutal time when it came to motherhood, but nothing compared to the child who “disappeared". Kind of. In January 1510, she suffered her first of many miscarriages. However, her stomach remained puffy, probably from infection, which caused her doctors to believe that she had been carrying twins and one had survived, even as Catherine continued to menstruate—prenatal care was…experimental in 1510. Two months later, Catherine went into seclusion for the birth. But of course, no child arrived.

Catherine of Aragon factsnerdalicious.com.au

4. Woe Is Womb

Why did so many of Catherine’s pregnancies fail? In recent years, some thinkers have put forth a theory that Catherine suffered from anorexia. During her young widowhood, uncertainty and poverty made Catherine frequently ill and depressed. This physical trauma may have led to future fertility problems. Sounds like a stretch, but it’s worth noting yet another terrible thing that happened to Catherine of Aragon.

Catherine of Aragon factscommons.wikimedia.org

5. Bummer Ending

Life as a divorcée was not kind to Catherine. After she and Henry VIII split, Catherine refused to be kind to herself, at least physically. In her last months, the ex-queen was isolated in Kimbolton Castle, where she fasted constantly and wore nothing but a hair shirt from the Order of St. Francis. It was prickly living but demonstrated Catherine’s commitment to arguably the last thing she could count on, that being her Catholic faith.

Bessie Blount FactsThe Tudors (2007–2010), Showtime Networks


6. Girl Gang

Throughout the "Great Matter" (England's name for the kerfuffle about Henry's divorce), Catherine’s popularity with women was huge. A Venetian diplomat claimed that an angry mob of “seven to eight thousand women” tried to seize and liquidate Anne Boleyn in Catherine’s name. Of course, this story has raised suspicion in recent years, but the tall tale’s popularity testifies to Catherine’s appeal as the “spurned woman” against Anne’s “other woman". They were the Jen and Angelina of their time!

Catherine of Aragon factsPinsDaddy

Queen Maria Theresa, The Last Unhinged Hapsburg

Queen Maria Theresa was literally a natural-born leader. As the eldest surviving child of a Holy Roman Emperor, the swaddling babe held more power in her pinkie finger than most can dream of in their entire lives—and she fought tooth and nail to keep it. After all, that was just the beginning of a legendary reign full of brutality, tragedy, and lots and lots of children.

Queen Maria Theresa FactsWikimedia Commons

1. Boy, Bye

Maria Theresa's husband Francis I was about as good of a ruler as he was a spouse. Though he had a brilliant mind for business, statecraft was not his forte, and it suited both partners just fine to have Maria Theresa take the reins on the reign. She inhabited the role with ease. Apparently, if she and Francis disagreed in council meetings, she would just dismiss him from the room. Sounds about right.

Queen Maria Theresa FactsNeedpix


2. Get out

Devout Catholic monarchs don’t have the best track record for “tolerance” or things like “not burning people at the stake” (ahem, Bloody Mary), and Maria Theresa was no different. In what most rightly consider the darkest part of her reign, she charged and expelled Jewish people from all across her realm, tempering these edicts only slightly in her old age.

It’s easy to throw up our hands and say, “Those were just the times,” but the thing is, they weren’t. Even her own son Joseph found her policies "unjust, impious, impossible, harmful and ridiculous". Check, check, check.

Queen Maria Theresa FactsWikimedia Commons

3. Campaign Manager

Maria Theresa knew she wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps and become Holy Roman Empress—but there was just one problem. No woman could be elected to the post. Then again, she did have a perfectly good husband lying around. After five long years, Maria Theresa finally succeeded in electing Francis to Holy Roman Emperor in 1745. She basically reigned through her sitting duck hubby.

Queen Maria Theresa FactsWikipedia

4. Maria’s Choice

On September 11, 1741, the rebel queen performed an absolutely baller move. She appeared at the Hungarian Diet wearing the nation's glorious Crown of Stephen. The coronal is also known as “The Holy Crown of Hungary,” and Maria Theresa wore it as if to say, “Yeah guys, like it or not, I AM your Queen". But she wasn’t even done yet.

When the crowd turned on her, she held up her newborn son Joseph, wept, and pledged him to their cause. Though I don’t really recommend throwing your tiny baby under the bus at important political meetings, it worked for her. By the end, the Hungarians vowed to pass for her.

Queen Maria Theresa FactsFlickr,granada_turnier


5. Take It Down a Notch

Throughout Marie Antoinette’s reign as Queen of France, Maria Theresa never let her daughter get too cocky. She kept up a weekly correspondence with the girl, where she often berated her laziness, frivolous spending, and especially her slow start in producing heirs. I mean, she's not totally off base but is it really too much to ask for some constructive criticism?

Madame du Barry FactsFlickr,Yann Caradec

6. A Rash of Bad Luck

Here’s family drama for you: It’s said that Maria Theresa ended her own daughter. In 1767, Maria Theresa’s daughter-in-law passed of smallpox. The Empress then forced her 16-year-old natural daughter Maria Josepha to pray at the badly-sealed crypt. Two days later, the worst happened. The teenage girl showed the tell-tale smallpox rash and quickly passed.

Archduke Joseph with Empress Maria Theresa, Princess Isabella of Parma and Archduchess Maria ChristinaMartin van Meytens, Wikimedia Commons

7. Forgive Me

Maria Theresa, like many others, blamed herself for the tragic demise of Maria Josepha—but the truth is much more complicated. The incubation period for smallpox is actually about one week. Since Maria Josepha showed the rash just two days after visiting the crypt, she had to have contracted it before then. Maria Theresa’s anguish was in vain.

Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen familyMaria Christina, Duchess of Teschen, Wikimedia Commons


Their Darkest Moments

For its time, Catherine’s cause of passing was ambiguous. Her embalmer noticed the body was in perfect health—save for her heart, which had turned black. That led some people to whisper about poison. Today, historians generally agree that Catherine passed of heart cancer, which—considering the circumstances of her life—appears too poetic to be true.

Catherine of Aragon factsOlivia Longueville

1. New Challengers

In her later years, Olympias was surrounded by enemies. One of her more formidable foes turned out to be her stepson Arrhdiaeus, the very same man she was rumored to have poisoned and disabled. You see, Arrhdiaeus had married a very ambitious woman named Adea Eurydice, who spent no time declaring herself Queen of Macedon in Olympias' place.

Queen Olympias factsShutterstock

2. The Tide Turns Again

The upstart queen Adea Eurydice brought her armies to the door of Olympias and her allies. It did not work well for the young usurper: When the Macedonian service men realized that they were going to have to fight the mother of their former king, they simply refused to fight. Without missing a beat, Olympias captured the woman along with her husband.

Queen Olympias factsShutterstock


3. Be Ruthless

With the capture of her stepson and his ambitious wife, Olympias was not merciful in her victory. She executed Arrhidaeus in a straightforward manner in order to be rid of him—but Adea Eurydice suffered a much darker fate. Olympias famously sent her a cup of poison, a noose, and a sword, telling her to choose how she would pass.

According to the histories, Adea Eurydice chose to hang herself, though she cursed Olympias to the very end of her life.

Queen Olympias factsAlexander (2004),  Warner Bros.

4. Together Forever and Ever and Ever…

The widowed Joanna of Castile couldn't even accept her husband Philip's mortality after he was buried and in the ground (at her father's insistence). Shortly after his passing , she reportedly ordered his body to be exhumed, had the casket opened, jumped to his side once again, and kissed his dearly departed feet. From this point, wherever Joanna went, so did Philip’s casket.

Isabella of Castile FactsWikimedia Commons

5. Don't Mess With Wu

When one of Wu Zetian's ministers advised her that she should live a more respectable life as a widow rather than an empress, her response was so disturbing that it’s impossible to ever forget. Zetian was not a woman to be messed with. She promptly sentenced him to exile in the “swampy, disease-ridden Southland” where one can imagine that the minister didn't have a happy ending.

Wu Zetian, The Only Empress of China Factswikia

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