December 19, 2023 | Miles Brucker

Reactive Facts About Chemistry

Chemistry is life. Or is life chemistry? Let’s just go with yes on both counts. Whether you can already recite the periodic table by atomic weight or you were expecting a list about Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook (get it? they had great chemistry!), there’s a lot to learn about this fascinating branch of science. Here are 46 of the most interesting facts about chemistry and its role in our lives.

46. Pencil Body

Your body, yes yours, has enough graphite inside of it to produce roughly 9,000 pencils. See, you are special after all.


45. Airbag Safety

The airbag in cars can save your life, but they are actually made of a highly vicious substance called sodium azide. The airbag is full of these salts and they release once triggered by the vehicle to increase their temperature in order to burst the bag out of its compact place. Don’t worry though, as, after this fraction of a second increase in temperature, they transpose into nitrogen gas, which is what actually causes the airbag to expand.

Chemistry factsWikimedia Commons


44. One Tire, One Molecule

Tires are giant pieces of rubber, so they seem like they must be made of many different molecules. However, rubber tires are actually made up of one massive chain link of polymers, making it just one, singular molecule.

Chemistry factsNeedpix

43. Snow to Water

The old legend of one inch of water is equal to 10 inches of snow is true—but not always. This ratio is true for when it is snowing at 30 degrees Fahrenheit, but the ratio increases as the temperature drops, and decreases with a rise in temperature. For instance, when it is 20 degrees, the ratio is 20 inches of snow to one inch of rain, and for 40 degrees, it is of 5:1.

Chemistry factsPixabay

42. Magical Expansion

Water is special, and we all know that, even if you cut class as a kid. When water freezes it expands, obviously, but if you think about it, it shouldn’t be so obvious. Typically, materials consolidate and shrink as temperatures drop, but water and its unique structure have a lot of space for energy to be released, resulting in its expansion.

Chemistry factsPublic Domain Pictures


41. Frozen

Interestingly enough, water also freezes faster when it is warm, and not cold.

Chemistry factsPeakpx

40. Can You Smell It?

There’s nothing like the fresh, clean smell after a good thunderstorm. This is due to the chemical reaction lightning has on the earth when it strikes. When lightning strikes, it creates ozone—yes, that ozone, the oxygen compound which protects the earth—by fracturing oxygen molecules, which then reform into ozone, and release a smell into the air that lingers. Mysterious Events FactsPxHere

39. Water Babies

Adult humans are typically made up of approximately 60% water, however, at birth, we consist of nearly 80% water. After one year, the water content drops to 65%, and as the child ages, it stabilizes at 60%.

Chemistry factsShutterstock


38. Do Not Try This At Home

Let’s say you have a room with wooden walls and it is heated to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. You are also using an electric drill to drill through the wall, in an attempt to light the house on fire. No problem. Your power drill is using 750 watts of electricity, on average, and it takes 2,000 joules of energy to heat up a kilogram of wood, so it would take only four minutes of constant drilling to achieve the desired effect. Voila! You can collect your insurance money. Disgusting factsPixnio

37. Natural Heating

Or, how about you don’t light things on fire. Instead, just heat your house up with people! It’s easy, as humans radiate around 150 watts on average, it would take only 70 people to warm up your place in the winter, as long as you keep them in constant motion. Don’t have 70 people? Well, what else is Facebook for? Get that event invite created!

Chemistry factsShutterstock

36. Copper Filter

The only metal which is also naturally antibacterial is copper. So, yes, there is some science behind the copper water bottle that your friend carries everywhere.

Chemistry factsShutterstock


35. Daddy

The “father” of the periodic table is Dmitri Mendeleev. He created the periodic table of elements essentially as a giant cheat sheet. Working as a professor at St. Petersburg State University, he had to submit a description for all chemical elements but was pressed for time, so he simply slapped together a large data set of atomic weights. This is why the table is ordered by atomic weight.

Chemistry factsPxfuel


34. Controversial Chemist

Mendeleev was a controversial figure during his lifetime. His second marriage caused a public controversy because his divorce was not yet finalized, and in Imperial Russia, one had to be divorced for seven years before they could remarry, making his marriage unlawful. Due to this, the Russian Academy of Science refused him from being accepted, even though he was responsible for the transformation of Russian chemistry.

Chemistry factsWikipedia

33. Let It Grow

Shaving sucks. We all know it, but not many of us have the courage to just say screw it, I am growing my whole body out. But Dmitri Mendeleev didn’t care and was known to only trim his beard once a year, each spring. Upon being called in to see the Tsar of Russia, he still didn’t even bother to groom himself.

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32. Chemists Law

Mendeleev created the Periodic Law, in which he described the underlying pattern of all 63 known elements from his time. He used this to create a table, which then anticipated new elements by having blank spaces, creating a new race to discover what elements were missing from the bank of human knowledge.

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31. Ego in the Way

Mendeleev than used this empty spaces to anticipate not-yet-discovered elements, and even to predict what their weights and chemical behaviors would be. However, this also led him to deny the existence of elements he did not foresee, as he did with the discovery of argon, gallium, scandium, and germanium, simply because they didn’t fit in his table.

Chemistry factsShutterstock

30. The Chum Bucket

Chalk is an essential part of childhood, from school to playing on the sidewalk, and surely you’ve tasted it at some point. It wasn’t very good, was it? It's pretty dry, and this may have something to do with its makeup: it’s made of trillions of fossilized plankton. Maybe it’s a part of Sheldon J. Plankton’s plan to take the Krabby Patty recipe.

Chemistry factsNeedpix


29. Fight Fire With Sperm

As a natural flame slower, DNA is now being used to create flame slower fibers. The investigation into how to replace commercial flame retardants with this naturally recurring, environmentally friendly structure that makes up all life on earth is ongoing.

Chemistry factsPxfuel

28.Material Shirts

One of the ways in which DNA is being experimented with is by covering cotton cloths with the DNA extracted from the sperm of herring fish. Mmm, how appealing.

Chemistry factsFlickr, Derek Keats

27. Thanks, Saliva

Food is a necessity, however, food that tastes good is one of the greatest pleasures of life. You can thank your saliva for this, as without that moisture, you wouldn’t be able to taste anything. Saliva works to break down the foods, which in turn dissolves the chemicals onto the tongue’s taste receptors.

Chemistry factsShutterstock


26. How Light Can You Go

The lightest element consisting of solely radioactive isotopes in Technetium, which is also the first artificially made element. However, technetium does not even have one stable isotope. As it was the first mostly artificial element to be added to the periodic table, its name is derived from the Greek word for “artificial".

Chemistry factsShutterstock

25. Heavy Does It Get

The heaviest element in the world is Oganesson. First conceived of in 1979 and given the placeholder name of Ununoctium, this synthetic element was finally developed and recognized in 2016. Upon its synthesis, it was renamed after the important nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian.

Chemistry factsWikimedia Commons

24. No, We Were First

Oganessian is one of only two periodical elements to be named after a living person, the other being Seaborgium, which is another synthetic element, known for being the most stable isotope. Atoms of this element were found by both Soviet and American scientists in 1974, which led to a dispute that would last 23 years between the two countries.

Chemistry factsShutterstock


23. Metal Table

Metal makes up the most widespread type of element on the periodic table. Interestingly enough, the only two non-silvery metals are gold and copper.

Chemistry factsPxfuel

22. Filling the Balloon

Helium has the ability to not just make your voice high, but can also get itself high. Being lighter than oxygen and the air around us gives it the ability to float.

Chemistry factsPxfuel

21. Origins of Our Origins

Though carbon is everywhere, even inside of stars, it was not produced by the Big Bang. Instead, carbon atoms are produced by helium atoms which are fused together during the formation of red giants by dying stars.

Chemistry factsPixabay


20. Forming a Giant

Red giants get their color, or at least the color perceived by the human eye, during the process of cooling down and expanding when all of their hydrogen is finally used up. This will happen to our own sun in about 5 billion years, and it will swallow up Mercury and Venus in the process.

Chemistry factsFlickr, European Southern Observatory

19. Diamond Tears

The word carbon was comes from the French word for coal—charbon. It was named in the 18th century after Antoine Lavoisier figured out that a diamond consisted of carbon. He did this by building a tool to focus sun rays (a solar furnace) and then used it to burn a diamond and analyze the residue. It wasn’t until then that people realized that carbon wasn’t just coal, but a unique chemical substance.

Chemistry factsWikipedia

18. Human Makeup

There are 94 naturally occurring chemical elements in the world, and our bodies are made up over 60 of them. These are essential to our makeup, but only six of them make up for 99% of us: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus.

Chemistry factsShutterstock


17. Icy Hot

We refer to diamonds as “ice” because of their look, right? Wrong. Actually, “ice” isn’t just slang, but has a real logic behind it. Diamonds have the ability to transport heat, which in turn makes them icy to our touch. There unique thermal conductivity is due to the three-dimensional weaving lattice structure of their makeup, which turns heat into easily transportable lattice vibrations.

Chemistry factsWikimedia Commons

16. Carbon as Blanket

Just because something becomes a buzzword and is used as political rhetoric doesn’t always mean you have to be skeptical of it. The chemical science behind the heating of our planet and its subsequent climate change is relatively simple: carbon dioxide cohesively surrounds planet earth, preventing too much heat from escaping, and thus creates the warm conditions that sustain life. As humans burn more and more fossil fuels, more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, and more heat is trapped on the planet. There, explain it that way to your uncle at Thanksgiving and maybe he’ll get it this time. Should have been firedShutterstock

15. Special Vacuum

In order to boil, water needs a special environment of pressure, but not necessarily very high temperatures. In fact, though space is incredibly cold, water boils when exposed in space. The first thing that happens upon exposure to the vacuum of space is a rapid boiling, followed by an instant freezing.

Chemistry factsWikimedia Commons


14.Peeing in the Space

How did we figure out the odd behavior that water exhibits in space? The most natural way, of course: by peeing. Astronauts noticed that when they relieved themselves in space conditions, the pee violently boiled, then went through sublimation as its vapor immediately turned solid. The result was a cloud of frozen pee floating in space.

Chemistry factsFlickr, Rawpixel Ltd

13. Talc is Everywhere

Everyone knows talcum powder—it's ubiquitous in modern society. This is because talc is the softest known chemical substance, making it perfect for everything from drying basketball players hands to lubricating things.

Chemistry factsFlickr, Austin Kirk

12. Dried Up

Dry ice is...well, actually what is dry ice? It is carbon dioxide in its solid state. That’s what it is.

Chemistry factsWikimedia Commons


11. Liquid Swords

Though metal is, well a solid, not every single metal is solid at room temperature. Mercury is the lone metal that actually takes on another form at normal conditions, all the way down to 0 degrees Celsius.

Medical Practices factsShutterstock

10. Oxygen Colors

Oxygen is clear to the human eye, however, when it passes into a liquid state, it takes on the color blue.

Chemistry factsWikimedia Commons

9. Froggy Skin

Human skin has proteins in it which waterproof us in order to keep water from escaping our bodies, which also limits our absorption of outside water. The frog, on the other hand, doesn’t need to even drink water, as its skin absorbs water out of the air.

Animals FactsWikimedia Commons


8. Ripen Machines

Have you ever noticed that when apples start to ripen, other fruits and vegetables around it also begin to ripen? No, I did not just make that up—pay better attention to your fruit bowl! Well, this is because as apples ripen, they release the gas ethylene, which works to ripen many different types of fresh produce. So, for those of us in colder climates, you can keep your apples next to the hard green lumps that grocery stores call avocados when you unpack your groceries.

Chemistry factsPixabay

7. Rust Life

Mars looks red to us due to its abundance of iron oxide. Another word for it: rust. Mars is a big, ol’ rusty ball floating in space.

Chemistry factsPixabay

6. Shattering Glass

Metals are composed of densely packed atoms, however glass, unlike other solid materials, contains a random assortment of atoms which are relatively free from each other and widely dispersed. Because of this composition, glass cannot absorb energy, as the atoms aren’t close enough to sustain its structure upon energy transfer, which leaves it highly fragile.

Charles VI Of France factsPixabay


5. Inbetweeners

Glass is actually not in a solid state, but rather is in something called an amorphous solid, which means a material which is not solid but not liquid. Well, what does that mean? It means that glass is kind of a liquid which lives its life leisurely flowing along.

Chemistry factsPexels

4. Basis For Physical Life

Carbon is the basis for all life on earth, as it can bond with many other chemical elements, but it can also bind with itself and subsequently comes in many different physical forms, including both diamonds and graphite—some of the hardest and the softest substances of the earth.

Chemistry factsShutterstock

3. How Salty

Archimedes’ Law set the foundation for the fact that when you enter into a bath, the water level immediately rises. Yet, when you add salt itself into the water, the level of salt in the water actually decreases, as the dissolving ions in the water allow the solvent molecules to order themselves better.

Chemistry factsShutterstock


2. Cutting Calories

In the same vein, if you were to add half of a liter of booze into half of a liter of water, you would end up with less than one liter of total liquid. Just another example of the wonder of booze. You’re welcome.

Bilingual Awkward FactsPeakpx

1. Too Rich for My Blood

A startup company out of Oxford University has developed a type of molecule called an endohedral fullerene, also known a "buckyball". These molecules sell for the equivalent of $167 million per gram. The only more expensive substance? That would be the mythical stuff known as antimatter. Scientists have actually managed to produce some of the stuff, but an entire gram of antihydrogen would seriously cost $62.5 trillion.

Chemistry factsPixabay


Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23


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