In 1984, a woman riding the Matterhorn was thrown from her seat onto on the track below—but that was just the beginning of the nightmare. Here are 65 of the most tragic incidents to happen at Disney parks in America.
Traditional Zulu beliefs consider twins a bad omen that bring misfortune to the family. To avoid the father’s perceived impending demise, his mother would quickly take her infant grandbabies aside and perform a secret and utterly heinous act—without the mother’s knowledge.
Traditional Zulu beliefs consider twins a bad omen that bring misfortune to the family. To avoid the father’s perceived impending demise, his mother would quickly take her infant grandbabies aside and perform a secret and utterly heinous act—without the mother’s knowledge.
Disney has truly had some wild things going on over the years. From ride malfunctions and viral complaints to serious media controversy and accusations, some are funny, some are sad, and some are downright disturbing.
Discover 10 beautiful destinations hidden in the most dangerous countries. From historical monuments and ancient cities to massive waterfalls and stunning national parks, these unsafe nations boast some secret oases we may never get to see in person.