Whether you're staying local this Labor Day or will be taking a trip to see family, stopping off at any of these experiences in every state is sure to enhance your long weekend.
Disney has truly had some wild things going on over the years. From ride malfunctions and viral complaints to serious media controversy and accusations, some are funny, some are sad, and some are downright disturbing.
In 1947, a small plane carrying 11 people left Buenos Aires on a short trip to Santiago—but never made it. What makes this incident even more significant is that the aircraft nor the occupants were ever found—until 50 years later.
You should never underestimate the power of the human spirit to fight and survive when it seems impossible. These stories are truly unbelievable…but believe it, because they're all true.
The Chumash were once one of the largest Indigenous tribes in California but today, few people know about their story. Join us as we uncover the truth about their mysterious history.