Do You Miss The Good Old Days?
Just because something is new, doesn't mean it's better. With technology advancing at lightning speed, older generations might prefer doing things the "old" way.
Should everyone be rolling with the times, or is there something to be said about being stuck in the past?
You Still Purchase CDs
With streaming services, we now have access to any musician and album we want... but you refuse to hop on the bandwagon. Instead, you prefer listening to your CDs and probably have a pretty decent collection.
If You Need To Look Something Up, You Crack Open A Book Or Encylopedia
Google? Never heard of her. You'd rather track down your information from a book, even if it takes a little more effort.
You Read An Actual Newspaper
In this modern age, most people get their news online or through social media. But that's not how you roll. You still get the newspaper delivered to your front door, and look forward to reading it over your morning coffee.
You Send Cards And Holiday Wishes By Mail
Sometimes a boring text message just doesn't cut it. There's something so special about receiving correspondence in the mail, and you still love the tradition of sending holiday cards.
You Still Don't Own A Cell Phone
The idea of owning a cell phone just seems like another piece of technology to depend on. Also, who wants to be accessible to other people 24/7?
You Don't Use Apps
Who needs WhatsApp and Facebook messaging when you can just dial someone's number and speak to them. It gets the job done so much faster.
You Have A Landline Phone
You get bonus points if your phone is corded, but if you have a cordless home phone, you're still included. There's something so reassuring about this guaranteed line of communication.
You Hand Out Business Cards
You still believe that giving out business cards is the classic way to share your professional information. It seems more personal and is a tangible reminder of who you are.
Portrait Image Asia, Shutterstock
You Refuse To Online Shop
Firstly, you prefer to browse and shop in person. This way you can really get a feel for the quality of a product. And secondly? The internet can be a scary place and you're always cautious about scams. Better safe than sorry.
You Have An Address Book Or Write Phone Numbers Down
When someone wants to give you their contact information, you immediately look for a pen and paper. Instead of keeping an extensive contact list on your phone, you prefer to keep everything squared away in an address book.
You Appreciate Physical Photos
These days, we can save thousands of digital photos into folders and keep them on our computers. But do we ever really look at them?
You might take a different approach, preferring to take less photos but print the best ones out. There's something so calming about looking through an old photo album.
You Still Have Yard Sales
Every few years, you find yourself taping a handmade poster to the telephone poles in your neighborhood. It's time to spring clean and get rid of all your old knickknacks by selling them in a yard or garage sale.
You still haven't discovered Facebook Marketplace, and don't plan to.
You Hire A Travel Agent To Plan Your Vacation
Planning your vacation is far too overwhelming with all the options and logistics. Hiring a travel agent help relieve you of unnecessary stress. Also, you would never dream of using sites like Airbnb.
You Still Browse A Television Guide
Even though everyone around you insists that Netflix is a godsend, you aren't a subscriber. Instead, you like to take things slow. You look up what shows are on through an old-fashioned TV guide, and you're perfectly content.
You Pin Up Personal Ads
The internet may be one huge landing strip for advertisements, but you prefer to post your ads on bulletin boards in your neighborhood.
You Use A Physical Map To Get Directions
You need skill to properly read a map and you pride yourself in knowing how to get around without a GPS or Google Maps.
You're More Careful With Your Laundry
When it comes to washing your white and darks, you follow the rules. You always handwash your whites, ideally on a sunny day when they can be strung up to dry.
You Don't Own A Microwave
Yes, a microwave might be ten times faster, but you still prefer to heat up your dinner or beverage in a pot on the stove.
You Organize Your Day Around The TV Show You Love
If you haven't figured out how to record a television show or don't have streaming services, then you have no choice but to make sure you're seated and ready when your television show airs.
You Do Your Crosswords On Paper
If you're a crossword lover, the Sunday newspaper might not cut it. In order to get your fix you may have purchased a number of crossword magazines. Sure, you could download a crosswords app, but half the fun is using a pencil and paper.
You Sell Your Car On Your Own
When it's time to sell your car, you take matters into your own hands. You simply write down your number on a piece of cardboard and stick it in the front window for any prospective buyers to see.
You Don't Pay Your Bills Online
Online banking just doesn't seem secure enough to you. You feel more comfortable doing things the old way—going into the bank to pay your bills in person.
You Carry A Checkbook
Barely anyone uses checks anymore, but you keep one in your purse just in case. There's also something comforting about having a physical log of the checks you've written.
You Have A Vanity Table
While modern girls are more likely to get ready in front of the bathroom mirror, you experience great pleasure from doing your morning routine at your vanity table—a place where all of your products and brushes are neatly squared away and the lighting is perfect.
You Commit Phone Numbers To Memory
Some kids these days don't even known their parents' phone numbers. But not you. If asked, you could probably rattle out a dozen of the most important numbers you've memorized.
You Ask For Directions
Instead of relying on your smartphone to point you in the right directions, you rely on the kindness of others. If you're in a new city, you wouldn't think twice about asking a stranger for help.
You've Hired A Matchmaker
In the era of online dating, you still refuse to swipe your way into a romantic entanglement. You have—or have seriously considered—hiring a matchmaker.
You Have A Physical Magazine Subscription
It might cost less to pay for an online subscription, but you still get a thrill from receiving a physical copy of your favorite magazine.
You Always Use Cash
You feel pretty annoyed that some businesses no longer accept cash—only debit or credit cards. You've always preferred paying with cash, which is risk-free and fast.