Eul Basa articles

Longyearbyen Internal

Photos Of The Most Remote Village On Earth

When the apocalypse happens and all on Earth is wiped out, this lone village at the top of the world may end up being the last place standing.
July 24, 2024 Eul Basa
Disneyparks Internal

Disney Parks Urban Legends And Secrets

Disney Parks are iconic for their magical atmosphere, but beneath the surface lies a collection of creepy urban legends and cool secrets. From ghostly sightings to secret areas, the happiest place on Earth is full of mystery.
July 16, 2024 Eul Basa
Nk Internal

Bizarre Facts About Life In North Korea

Life in North Korea is characterized by strict governmental control, limited personal freedoms, and a strong state ideology under the Kim dynasty.
July 7, 2024 Eul Basa
Japan Internal

Unspoken Rules Everyone Expects You To Follow In Japan

When you visit Japan, it is essential to show respect for local customs and manners in order to have a pleasant and seamless experience. Here are 30 unwritten rules to follow.
July 5, 2024 Eul Basa
Olymp Internal

Olympic Moments That Changed History

As humans, we are drawn to competition. That's what makes the Olympic Games so exciting to watch—3,000 years after its conception, we still tune in to see our countries represented by athletes who give it their all for the gold. Here are some of the greatest Olympic moments that changed history.
July 2, 2024 Eul Basa
Qualityoflife Internal

These Countries Ranked Highest For Quality Of Life

A country with a high quality of life provides its residents with happiness and comfort in all of the important areas of living. This includes healthcare, education, a strong economy, job opportunities, financial stability, low crime, a clean environment, and efficient public services. Here are some of 2024's best countries to live in based on quality of life.
June 28, 2024 Eul Basa

The Weirdest People In History

Throughout history, there have been people who have stood out with their unique characteristics and behaviors, captivating the public's attention. From intellectuals to visionaries, these "weird" individuals challenged societal norms and made a lasting impact on history.
June 25, 2024 Eul Basa
Gentleparenting Internal

Gentle Parenting Methods That Confuse Older Generations

When it comes to parenting styles, there is a huge generational gap. As times have changed, so has the consensus on what is best for a child's development.
June 25, 2024 Eul Basa
Chausentinelese Internal

This Man Went To The World's Most Isolated Island —And Met A Horrific Fate

In 2018, one American man dared to go where history has told us never to go: North Sentinel Island. He thought the trip would be a humble and fulfilling mission—but it ended up turning into his worst nightmare. This is his story.
June 25, 2024 Eul Basa